The Risk Of Addiction Associated To The Art of Gambling

There are always addiction risks in gambling, but not always the same. Gambling, whether it be in a traditional casino or via online casinos and baccarat site (파라오카지노) has a high potential for addiction if it is available to the population a lot and often. Children and young people, in particular, are seduced by the wide range of certain games of chance and only brought up by the constant availability of the idea of ​​playing a game.

A quick succession of individual games with a quick winning and losing decision is also dangerous and can lead to a real addiction to gambling. A fast game sequence in gambling can mean that the focus is not on the possible money win, but solely on the thrill, the “kick”.

Happiness – bad luck – or maybe skill?

It also becomes dangerous when players feel that they have an influence on the outcome of the game and therefore feel involved in the course of the game. For example, by overestimating your own skills in card games or sports betting.

The fact that the outcome of the game is always a matter of chance often fades into the background for players, as they are certain that they can control, influence, and predict the outcome of the game – which, however, is not the case.

While the losses are still limited at first, some people who play excessively slip more and more into a “catch-up hunt”: They are trying more and more desperate to win back previous losses through more games and are no longer able to get away from the game. This can be the beginning of an addiction.

The risk potential varies depending on the game of chance

The particular risk posed by a particular game of chance depends on its risk potential. It is assumed that the risk potential varies depending on the game of chance. A distinction is made between games of chance with rather low, medium, and a rather high-risk potential. Games of chance with a high-risk potential generally include games with a fast game sequence, such as gaming machines with a chance to win and certain casino games, as well as live sports betting on the Internet. Games of chance with a high-risk potential are considered to be rather addictive but do not necessarily lead to an addiction. Games of chance with a rather low-risk potential include various lotteries, such as Lotto “6 out of 49” and the television lotteries.
