Art and gambling is a bizarre combination. But throughout centuries, there have been countless of famous artists who’ve used gambling in their work. Some of the paintings were even recognized worldwide and quite expensive gambling art pieces. That being said, why don’t we take a deeper look at few of the most renowned gambling paintings featured in the course of lifetime.
Paintings Depicting Gambling
In the age of online casinos such as Togel, we have forgotten the foundation of gambling. This has been around since ancient times and it’s believed that playing cards have all begun in China and eventually, it spread across the world. The popularity of dice declined during 15th century and playing cards became the more preferred gambling option.
Few of the Greatest Artworks were Inspired by Gambling.
Not just people painted about playing cards but also, gambling has inspired some of the most celebrated and popular artworks.
Whether you believe it or not, there are tons of stunning gambling paintings in history and it is just worthwhile to give special mention to some of them.
The Cardsharps by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
This is painted by Italian Baroque artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. The masterpiece was made in 16th century. It is illustrating two boys playing cards in which one of them has an extra card behind his back.
In addition to that, there is an older man who peers over the shoulder of the innocent player which signals the cardsharp who obviously is his acquaintance.
The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs by Georges de La Tour
This was a work by Georges de La Tour. It is describing a scene in which two women play cards with a man, who seized a moment of distraction to cheat and have 2 aces from behind his belt. Not only that, the female and maidservant on the right shows some signs of suspicion and anxiety. The piece is so alive for it is showing the gestures of players signaling their next move.
Argument Over a Card Game by Jan Steen
This piece belongs to the Dutch Golden Age. It’s actually among the most renowned paintings of all time which was painted originally by Jan Steen. This art piece is so iconic that it was created in second half of 17th century and has captured the art of gambling and turns it into drama over classic card game. In the painting, it captured the day to day life of average individuals while he also managed to turn a chaotic situation into fine piece of artwork.