Gambling, wagering or betting has at all times been an aspect of human society, and for years has been a significant means of entertainment when it first emerged. Because of gambling games, whether it’s situs poker online or any casino game either online or in land-based casino, people would make connections and create new acquaintances and friendships. The feeling felt in the course of a game of chance after winning or even after a loss, has been defined and depicted as addictive. Because of this, several people define gambling as different kind of addiction.
But, as a kind of addiction or simply an enjoyable kind of entertainment, it is observed that merely certain kinds of individuals choose to engage in gambling. Who are the individuals who give in to gambling? Are individuals who gamble and wager more creative compared to others? Is there a connection between gambling and creativity?
Gambling has constantly been defined as a kind of entertainment, but not everyone prefers gambling to be entertained. Several people opt for books, movies and TV shows, traveling, hiking and many other forms of entertainment. Nevertheless, the question is that what kind of individuals settle on gambling to be entertained.
Several experts deduced that 40% of individuals who gamble have some common genetic inclinations to look for reward as well as impulsivity. Individuals who gamble and wager keep an eye on huge thrills and excitement, that’s is why they resort to gambling.
A German study in 2015 have said that individuals who gamble and are in the winning side have a lesser electrical movement in a major region of the brain where the reward system area is found. In 2003, a study at the University of Yale and a study in 2012 at the University of Amsterdam attained similar conclusion. The electrical activity in low levels aids them to run the risks and repress their normal instincts.
Changing concepts into reality is described and expressed as creativity. Creativity is different form imagination. The capability and competence to perceive the world that surrounds you from various standpoints, the capability to associate things and concepts that at first glance don’t appear to be interrelated whatsoever. Discovering unseen patterns, viewing the world in diverse ways, this is creativity. Creativity entails an idea, a concept, and then transforming it into reality. Different from creativity, imagination is simply thinking.
Correlation Between Gambling and Creativity
Now that creativity as well as gambling is described we have to see and understand if there is an association between both. Creativity denotes thinking of brand-new ideas and concepts and creating them, and even though gambling indicates coming up with new ideas and thoughts to win these games of chance, it isn’t essentially connected or correlated to creativity. Gamblers could be creative; however, it doesn’t have to be so. And no direct relationship or connection is present between both.