As an artist, your work is your lifeblood. Your unique creative expression and the hard-earned fruits of your labor are invaluable to you. It’s hard enough to make it in this world without having to worry about the security of your art. Unfortunately, the internet has made it easier than ever for creative works to be stolen and misused. If you want to create a strategy in which you can protect your artwork from such events, make sure to keep reading.
Creating a Secure Online Presence
The first step in securing your online presence is to create a truly unique username or handle for each of your social media accounts. While it may seem harmless, reappropriating another artist’s name or username is known as “name squatting” and can be considered copyright infringement.
If a copyright holder sees you using their work’s name or logo and attempts to contact you about it, if you don’t have the correct authorization, you could be forced to shut down your account. At the same time, you have to be careful with the images you upload and use across your social media accounts.
Utilizing Copyright Registries
You can strengthen your copyright protection by registering your works with a copyright registry. You can do so by visiting the Copyright Office’s website and filling out a simple form.
Once you’ve done so, you’ll receive a certificate of registration that you can use as proof in a court of law that your work is original and belongs to you.
Tracking Copyright Infringements
Even if you’ve taken extensive measures to protect your work, you may still end up facing a copyright infringement claim. If you find yourself facing a copyright infringement claim, it’s important to know your rights as an artist. First and foremost, you should confirm that the claim is legitimate. You can do so by finding the original source of the claim.
Once you’ve done so, you can then ask the copyright holder to send you a written notice of the claim. If you don’t want to go all these troubles, you can just put a notice on your every post that sites like 헤라카지노 can use your art and just make sure to put your name as a credit. This is a foolproof way that your art will not just be claimed by somebody else. Thus, making it a habit on every clients you have can save you from all the troubles in the future.