The Culture And The Art Of Lying

Let’s be honest. We all make little white lies to protect ourselves from shame and to keep our dignity. That’s the art of lying but these little white lies usually go out of hand and become uncontrollable. When the corruptor’s lies are compared to the gambler’s lies (applicable in card games like poker but not applicable to a game of slots like daftar joker123), the latter seemed to be more honorable.

Why is Angelina lying? That’s how many people ask questions. She is suspected of lying about corruption and lying about the possession of blackberries and may continue to lie because a lie breeds other lies. Who does not know Angelina Sondakh? A very respectable member of Parliament, a former Indonesian princess, the most beautiful queen in Indonesia. And had been suspected of lying in giving testimony about the corruption of the Athlete House.

Angie is not the only one. There are many people who we think are “good” leaders and have integrity, in fact, they are the ones who lie all the time. So a lie has entered all political and government arenas. More broadly, it turns out lying does not belong to a particular person, because lies already exist in all human nations and cultures.

Education In The Art of Lying

How did it happen? Answers can certainly be sought in our culture. In Indonesia, lies are unique, because part of education is to children and there is education about the art of lying. Parents usually teach children to be honest but also at the same time practice the art of lying because the principle of harmony with others and relationships with others is far more important than stating the truth.

So from the beginning, we have been taught the art of lying for many reasons – to keep friendship, to maintain the honor, to be polite, and others. These type of lying are called white lies but after all, they are still lies.

So in culture, we see the practice of deception carried out for the solidarity of a community, for the sake of good relations and for harmony in togetherness. So even though we are taught morally to live honestly and tell the truth since childhood, there is a lack of practice. We are shown the art of lying for good so that it becomes a strange virtue. In the past, the art of lying was only used in terms of harmonious social relations.

The Art of Lying Used In Many Black Reforms

It turns out that the art of lying has been used and abused throughout the world to corrupt. That is the rife today in our world of politics. This is the most difficult to trace, because of this art of lying, people already know that it’s a lie but don’t know how to open it because there are friends who have to be protected in a lie, who are also busy also lying.

And when a lie becomes an agreement, the lie is true and the person who opens the truth will get his punishment. That’s why it’s better to let lies because we are afraid of being lied to by liars. Just look at the corruptors! They are clearly a thief and deserves punishment but they always feel they are the victim.

The culture of lying to maintain good relations and to protect from shame could get out of hand when mixed with a thirst for power and greed for money. The culture of corruption at the leadership level, solidarity among corruptors is considered far more important than stating the truth. Only now what is needed is the courage of all parties to break various lies one by one. The art of lying should be discarded and the liars should confess specifically in the grounds of politics!
