It is imperative to know how slots work. By doing so, you can maximize your chances of winning while eliminating few of the known myths when playing slots. As soon as you learnt how these slot machines work, you can then steer clear of the common drawbacks committed by uninformed players.
Random Number Generator
All slot machines do contain RNG or Random Number Generator has a microchip that is generating completely different number combinations at a rate of approximately 100/seconds, even the ones offered by online casinos like These random numbers are corresponding to the positions on every symbol on the machine’s reels. When playing, you are not actually initiating anything. Well, this is except for a fact that you have to spin the reels, which is purely about entertainment purposes.
You just tell the machine to display the reel’s position corresponding to the last set of numbers in which the computer generated for the slot machine after pressing the key.
RNG in Motion
After knowing the schematics of RNG, here are some things that you should not do when you are playing slots.
Slot Machine System doesn’t Work
Those who believe that you can beat slots using a system are burning money away. RNG is responsible why all slot machines are mainly by chance. This is why it doesn’t need any strategy, skill or whatsoever. All spins are completely independent to each other. All winning boils down to the exact moment that you play and this is dictating which set of random numbers your play has.
Similar to unscrupulous salesman who’s selling systems in roulette, mathematic formulas are not applicable since there’s no data available.
Assuming that Slot Machines are Due a Payback
Slot machines are never due to payout at a given time because the payout frequency and payback percentage are calculated in longer term. The truth is, there’s no reason that it cannot have two or several payouts in a short period of time or not pay out at all.
Don’t Rush to Playing
Playing fast isn’t going to boost your odds of getting more paybacks or even hitting a jackpot. RNG will be generating hundreds of numbers between every spin, especially among faster players. So take it easy, relax and enjoy the whole experience.
How to Boost Your Odds then?
After knowing how RNG works, you can see some myths that players have grown up with. Avoid them as much as possible and just enjoy the experience of it.