
Casino World is Filled
with Exceptional Artworks Too

Whether you believe it or not, gambling is one of the oldest pastimes the world has seen. With references to playing casino games as well as betting widely accepted in different cultures, it is not that hard to believe in it. In fact, few of the known figures for every generation were known gamblers which include a lot of top musicians of today’s time.

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Hazard & Art: The Beauty of Risk in Visual Expression

Exploring Hazard in Artistic Expression The concept of hazard—risk, chance, and unpredictability—has always been a central theme in the world of art. Artists have…


Dechambo Art Work

There are different art styles that have been developed and introduced throughout the span of century. Numerous artists are sharing the same style and…

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Why Is Gambling So Addicting?

Why is it that one person gets into trouble while gambling and the other does not? There is no clear explanation for the fact that people become addicted to something. It arises through a combination of personal characteristics, environmental factors, availability and other characteristics of the game and social factors.

Personal factors that influence gambling addiction

Certain personal characteristics increase the chance of gambling addiction.

1. Believing in winning opportunities. When gamblers make a big profit in the beginning, they are often convinced of the benefits of the game. That big profit makes them optimistic about their chances of winning. It does not matter that this optimism does not correspond at all to the actual chance of winning.

2. Dealing with tensions. Gamblers often have trouble dealing with every day tensions. Gambling offers them an opportunity to suppress negative feelings. Losing the daily tension acts as a reward that ensures that gambling keeps repeating itself.

3. Magic. Many gamblers are governed by magic ideas. Research has since been conducted into the motives for regular gambling. The table shows how often a number of motifs are mentioned. A number of aspects can be identified in the personality that may entail a greater risk of problematic playing behavior.

4. Boredom. Some people can’t stand boredom. This boredom can be associated with loneliness, lack of friends and feelings of inferiority. Gambling offers an escape option for those problems.

Recovering From Gambling Addiction

Characteristics of the game of chance that influence gambling addiction

Examples of this are the slot machine, the roulette, and the scratch card. Just play and the result is known. Behavior that is rewarded repeats itself. It matters a lot whether you give this reward right away or only a little later.

Someone who wins nothing for a long time, sometimes a little bit and sometimes a lot, keeps playing longer. The loss increases slowly, while the big win can come at any time. Behavior that is rewarded every now and then is difficult to tell. Rewarding behavior now and then is extremely successful when it comes to maintaining behavior.

The fact that money is also punished for losing money does not outweigh the power of variable remuneration. The specific reward structure of roulette and slot machines ensures that this playing behavior tends to repeat itself. When gambling, the reward is not only in the money. Because you get the results immediately, you get excited.

This excitement, which applies to both profit and loss, is also regarded as a kind of reward. Gambling is made attractive and as exciting as possible. Every time you get a chance to win or to take back the loss. You can buy a ticket almost anywhere and this is encouraged through all kinds of television programs.

New is gambling on the internet. You can play togel online anonymously and without the presence of others. Games of chance can be used in various ways and can therefore also be misused.

Art In Online Casino Games

Online casinos, otherwise known as virtual casinos and Internet casinos are versions of the usual casino that are quite familiar to us but played online or via the internet. Online casinos make it possible for bettors or gamblers to play as well as lay a bet on casino games. Check out malaysia online casino free bonus no deposit.

Visual Art In Online Casino Games

One element that makes online games like online casino games appealing to people, aside from allowing individuals to play and lay bets through the internet, is the art they put into the game. Video game art has become an essential element in developing video games once PC hardware was capable of supporting crisp and well-defined 2D and 3D images and graphics. With games played online, such as online casino, having excellent-looking art is just about fundamental for the game to effectively and properly function.

Below are a few various approaches to art in online casino games:


Of the online casino games, the slots are definitely the most atypical in style and theme. They could get any form and shape. For example, you could play an adventurer searching for an artifact in Egypt, a pirate looking for lost treasure, a ghost hunter or even a spaceman. With slot machines, anything is doable. Moreover, the art is surely attention-grabbing and plays a considerably essential role in any slot machine game played online which aims to magnetize players.


Poker is a fundamental casino game. In an online poker game, you typically play on a green, at times red, poker table top, with simple visuals or graphics. Numerous online poker games don’t home in on the visuals or graphics however there are terrific performers where they put you in a Wild West themed online poker game. Archetypal games present VR poker and several of them are great-looking and are to drive forward the industry of online gaming.


Bingo is rather different since there are numerous of them which aren’t played for actual money though they do present additional chips with microtransactions within the game. The designs differ by a great deal but the actual distinction is in the manner the bingo slips are rendered, with all possible form and color.


In terms of online games, roulette is a simple game, with a blue, green, or teal top as well as a shiny or gleaming roulette wheel. But there are roulette games where your dealer is a robot or wherein you play roulette in space.

Artworks Inspired by Gambling

Art and gambling is a bizarre combination. But throughout centuries, there have been countless of famous artists who’ve used gambling in their work. Some of the paintings were even recognized worldwide and quite expensive gambling art pieces. That being said, why don’t we take a deeper look at few of the most renowned gambling paintings featured in the course of lifetime.

Paintings Depicting Gambling

In the age of online casinos such as Togel, we have forgotten the foundation of gambling. This has been around since ancient times and it’s believed that playing cards have all begun in China and eventually, it spread across the world. The popularity of dice declined during 15th century and playing cards became the more preferred gambling option.

Few of the Greatest Artworks were Inspired by Gambling.

Not just people painted about playing cards but also, gambling has inspired some of the most celebrated and popular artworks.

Whether you believe it or not, there are tons of stunning gambling paintings in history and it is just worthwhile to give special mention to some of them.

The Cardsharps by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

This is painted by Italian Baroque artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. The masterpiece was made in 16th century. It is illustrating two boys playing cards in which one of them has an extra card behind his back.

In addition to that, there is an older man who peers over the shoulder of the innocent player which signals the cardsharp who obviously is his acquaintance.

The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs by Georges de La Tour

This was a work by Georges de La Tour. It is describing a scene in which two women play cards with a man, who seized a moment of distraction to cheat and have 2 aces from behind his belt. Not only that, the female and maidservant on the right shows some signs of suspicion and anxiety. The piece is so alive for it is showing the gestures of players signaling their next move.

Argument Over a Card Game by Jan Steen

This piece belongs to the Dutch Golden Age. It’s actually among the most renowned paintings of all time which was painted originally by Jan Steen. This art piece is so iconic that it was created in second half of 17th century and has captured the art of gambling and turns it into drama over classic card game. In the painting, it captured the day to day life of average individuals while he also managed to turn a chaotic situation into fine piece of artwork.

Helping Newbie to become a Pro Artist

Regardless if you are an aspiring artist or a respected one in your chosen niche, being able to know where to start is always a challenge. But this is something that you should not be worried about, because now, you’ll be able to have guidance on how it can be overcome. Like for instance, you can get inspiration by simply visiting as a start.

But of course, we’ve come prepared in this article and provided couple of handful yet very effective tips. This article is perfect for understanding fundamentals of drawing and painting. This way, you can start your journey as an artist with direction.

Overcoming Typical Painting Challenges

We are all mindful that practice makes perfect. However, with practice comes with trial and error as well. You are lucky since you don’t have to go anywhere to experience this trial and error while working on any project. Discover what these are and find out how you can overcome them.

Number 1. Putting Art in Perspective

For any artists, especially those who are at their early years, perspective is an integral skill to be learnt, regardless if it is painting or drawing.

If you would like to attain 3D art, then mastering perspective is the key. This includes on finding horizon line, determining vanishing point and overview of the linear perspective.

To start with perspective, what you have to do first is make sure that everything’s done right. To become successful, you have to consider three important things which would be the palette, brush and surface. As soon as you feel confident with the materials, that is when the fun begins.

Number 2. Drawing Skill Essentials for Newbie

With regards to learning to draw, taking introductory lessons, demonstrations and tutorials are always the perfect option in enhancing your skillset and at the same time, delivering better drawings. There are many tips that are now lurking around the web that you can find in relation to this matter.

Number 3. Know the Right Medium for You

With tons of mediums that are available, you may be wondering how you would know which to choose? Honestly, finding the appropriate one is just a matter of personal preference. Yes it is true that it may take time before you pinpoint which medium is the best for you, but take this as a learning experience to expand your knowledge and become a better artist.

Six Famous Paintings on Gambling Throughout History

Gambling and art may not go hand in hand, but for centuries many famous artists have used gambling in their art works. Some of these paintings are even very well known and are very expensive. Therefore, we decided to take a closer look at some of the most popular gambling-themed paintings in history.

Gambling Painting

In the era of online gambling, we are a bit forgetting the history of gambling. Gambling has existed since ancient times; it has been believed that playing rumors began in China and eventually spread throughout the world. When the popularity of the dice game declined during the 15th century, rummy became a more popular form of gambling. Although only reserved for the upper classes, but in the mid-15th-century gambling, especially card games such as the poker and domino99 is a normal thing for men to do.

Gambling Inspired Works of Art

Not just painting people playing rummy, but gambling inspires some of the greatest works of art. In fact, there are many amazing gambling-themed paintings throughout history, so we decided to name some of the most famous works in history.

1. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (The Cardsharps)

Painted by Baroque artist Iltalia Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (The Cardsharps) was made in the 16th century, around 1594. This painting depicts two boys playing rummy, one of whom has an extra card behind his body. Also, there was an old man looking over the shoulder of one of the players who did not have an extra card, gesturing for cunning on a boy he knew. They are bound to a life drama that takes place, which is part of a bigger game.

2. Georges de La Tour (The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs)

Created by Georges de La Tour between 1626 and 1629, The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs depicts the scene of two women playing rummy with a man, who uses devious methods to cheat and keeps two aces in his belt. At the same time, the servant and the woman on the right show signs of anxiety and suspicion. This part is very lively because it shows movement that signals the next step. The latest version of the original painting, The Cheat with Ace of Diamonds, was made in 1635, with some differences.

3. Jan Steen (Argument Over a Card Game)

The next work on our list is owned by the Dutch Golden Age. This work is one of the most famous paintings of all time, Argument Over a Card Game, painted by Jan Steen. This iconic work was made in the 17th century and portrays the art of gambling, turning it into drama through a classic playing game. In his paintings, Steen paints people’s daily lives, and turns chaotic situations into real works of art.

4. Paul Cézanne (The Card Players)

The Card Players represent a series of oil paintings, made by Paul Cézanne. Cézanne is a French Post-Impressionist artist who produced several paintings and conducted studies on famous card players. In total, there are 5 paintings made in this series, made in the early to mid-1980s period. Each Rummy Player in Cézanne’s painting depicts drunk farmers at the tavern, players who smoke while playing, rummy is the only way for them to establish communication.

5. Cassius Marcellus Coolidge (Dogs Playing Poker)

The Dogs Playing Poker painting series, by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge, is a very famous gambling-themed work of art, for people of all ages and backgrounds. The artwork is Dogs Playing Poker, which is the sixteenth sequence of oil paintings, made from the mid-1900s to the mid-1910s, requested by Brown & Bigelow to advertise cigars. All parts of the painting are anthropomorphism of dogs playing poker. The paintings are widespread throughout the United States.

6. Fernand Leger (Soldiers Playing Cards)

Inspired by Picasso and Cézanne, Fernand Leger earned a track record as the 4th member of Cubism. His main work, Soldier Playing Cards reflects his interest in the use of machines in World War I. Leger combines Cubism with the aesthetics of the machine, while also alluding to the mechanical nature of war and the anonymity of volunteers. This painting was made in 1917, when Leger was treated in Paris after the Battle of Verdun, this is one of his best works of art.

Pure Sports Entertainment From Trusted Sports Betting Sites

Football is one of the most sought after games for fans and bettors. A large number of bets are bet on the majority of football matches. Soccer betting has become more and more important nowadays because it can now be accessed online.

Today, you can take part in soccer betting opportunities just by interacting with the web like a trusted online soccer gambling site. Online soccer betting opportunities make it easier to make your soccer bets for any game or event.

Online soccer betting (เว็บแทงบอล) is all the perfect accounts for the most part. Imagine seeing a game of your choice, soccer, whatever you like. Be it in your own home or feel the vitality of the group in an arena. Have fun and meet enthusiasm, and get a ton of money simultaneously.

Some people are still reluctant to try online soccer betting because they are afraid it is confusing. Some people also emphasize that online soccer opportunities are not verified. This is all just a misinterpretation on the grounds that online soccer opportunities are in fact easy and safe as long as you follow the rules.

What Do You Get by Choosing a Trusted Online Gambling Ball Site?

You can win cash and have an amazing time putting your soccer bets online. The first step towards an online soccer opportunity is to join an online dealer. You don’t just join the main bookmakers that you run on trusted online gambling sites. You need to ensure that it is reliable and one approach to find out is to decide whether the online soccer opportunity site has been active for a long time.

Your security must also be your need for online soccer opportunities. You must ensure that your online betting understands the importance of your security. Your online soccer opportunities site manager must never give your own data to a different meeting.

Your own data such as the delicacy of credit cards must be kept confidential in order to maintain your security. After making your notes for online soccer opportunities, it does not imply that you should stop there. You also have to invest the drive to collect data that can allow you to win in your soccer betting opportunities.

You should always refresh yourself with the latest news and important data about the group that you are betting on. The depth of your insight about most if not all of the football crew is significant. Will fill in as your guide in making ingenious choices on your soccer bets.

It is also important to know that you are on the injury list and the number of injuries on the team. This will certainly determine whether the team will play to their full capabilities or not. There are also other factors that must be considered. There are soccer betting ideas from bookies, online experts, newspapers and publications that you can use to get some important information to get a trusted online soccer gambling site .

Skills Required To Become A Bookie

What’s the difference between a bookie and an agent?

The agent doesn’t own the book, they are the trustee between the bookie and the player. An agent or an online gambling agent (agen judi online) works off commission. The most standard setups is based off on the percentage of loss.

For example:

An agent books a client. Week 1, the client loses a thousand dollars. The agent has a 30% commission. the agent pockets 300, the house takes 700. Week 2, the client wins a thousand dollars. This is the agent advantage. The bookie pays the entire thousand dollars, the agent doesn’t dole anything from his pocket. But the agent now holds a red figure of a thousand dollars. The agent now needs to make a $1000 back for the book before they can once again start earning their 30% commission.

How To Become A Bookie

Skills You Need To Become A Successful Bookie

The false impression that betting is a business where non-schooled tugs flourish is an idea that must go away from many people’s thoughts. Let’s remember that sports betting in the USA in recent years had been approximated at around $150 billion dollars, many of which originated from overseas providers. With these numbers, rest assured, dummies would not make it into this industry. Should you be thinking about how to be a bookie agent, in that case you definitely have found the best place.

If you are eyeing to become one of the great bookies in the sports betting industry, you will need to have the right set of skills. This business is not for the dummies so you will need to have some basic understanding and the right skill set. So below are the skills required.

  • Basic Math Skills – No, you don’t have to be a mathematician or a math wizard. However, you will need to have an understanding of the probabilities. After all, sports betting is comprised of numbers and probabilities and that you must be able to have understanding of the basics in order to be successful in this arena.
  • Basic Business Administration – A lot will be going on when running a business like this. An essential aspect of this kind of business is time management. Prioritization is the key to manage tasks that give more value to your services. You likewise have to have basic accounting skills. While accounting could be challenging, this has become easier because of the new technologies purposely designed for sports betting. This provides awesome reports and effectively cuts down work time by at least two thirds.
  • Sports Betting – This should not be a surprise. In order to succeed in this business, you will need to have an interest in the sports betting business. Being a bookie will require you to know who the best players are and who are the new faces in the sports business. While it’s not necessary to be an active wager, you will still need to understand how gamblers think.
  • Sales – Much like any other business, you will have to have good selling skills because you will need to sell yourself and the service you provide. A crucial factor to become successful in this business is to acquire and retain a good set of the customer base. Therefore you will have to become an outstanding salesperson and at the same time become great in customer service.

Now just like anything else in life, there are good books and there are bad books. There are good agents and there are bad agents. Nothing is really created equal. If you want to succeed, you will need to have a great team too and this team will be your set of agents who will help you become successful in every sports betting event.

The Art of Playing Online Casino

Playing online games, such as casino, is usually seen as a wrongful habit because of its possible negative impacts on the life of gamblers. But this only happens when they cannot control that habit. Like, when they find it really hard to stop even when they are already losing a huge amount of money. Gamblers believe that they can recover their losses when they continue to gamble in sites like However, despite the number of arguments against online gambling, art can be seen through its process.

Playing online casino is now more accessible these days. Gamblers need to just look for a safe and secure gambling site and answer a registration form, from there they will also be getting their bonuses. It sounds like a scam but it is actually not, and there are many legitimate sites that give bonuses upon registration.

Before playing, it is important that one must fully understand how to play casino. It is your money that you are risking anyway. The best way to do is to practice playing the game online. If you are worrying on whether you need to deposit to be able to play, there are various online sites that offer free practice. This is where you will learn the art of playing the game and also the art of winning, which is more important. Not all the time you will win, you also have to experience the feeling of losing and learn from your mistakes.

Once you are already familiar with the game and you think that you are ready to play the actual game, then play the regular game and deposit cash. While playing you will see the benefits- entertainment, relaxation, and a way to escape reality. You can even play the casino anytime and anywhere because of the accessibility brought by technology. The online casino also gives you the chance to play with players from all over the world. In this way, you will learn not only your own culture but those of other countries. In addition, you will also be exposed to different types of players and improve your gambling skills.

The process of playing online casino is not that complicated as long as you are fully dedicated to it. Once you have mastered the process, it is your job to research for possible approaches on playing the game. And remember,  know when to stop especially when you are already losing too much.

The Importance of Art In Gambling

Many professional gamblers appreciate art, in fact, they love being surrounded by world-class art while into gambling. What better attraction will there be than to look way up to see a duplicate of a Botticelli or a Rembrandt on the wall. By knowing that, you are more motivated to have your own someday. With good luck and amazing skill, you can do so with your winnings.

Much like gaming, many people are into gambling, from the traditional lottery (Togel Singapore), sports betting, to the casinos. You must be wondering how art is instilled into such forms of entertainment. You see part of gambling is an art and behind it is most the art and science of mathematics and it has been part of every culture in every nation.

Art is vital in any civilization. It gives beauty and charm to our day to day work and can change any room into something classy. Notice how casinos are built with great artistry and architecture. Casino owners would like to keep their players coming back for more and the inclusion of art in every nick and corner of the space motivates players to stay a little bit longer.

Although it’s not pure art by the strictest definition, the excellent graphics of slot machines will stand above the crowd and attract more players than the standard mill model.

Art of Gambling

While classic art is important in many gambling dens, there is also the art of gambling. While it’s true that gambling is a game of chance, there’s still a touch of art in every gambling event. Let’s take for instance the case of high stakes poker. If you have watched one of Texas Holdem’ Poker tournament, have you observed at the players’ faces? Have you taken notice of their concentration? Can you guess who’s going to win or who has a bad hand? Truth is, these professional gamblers are good at concealing their emotions in order not to sell them off.

That is the “poker face” – rooted in the poker player’s facial expression. Very good poker players do not want to give anything away, however, the best poker players have perfected the art of having their opponents acknowledge the complete opposite of what is true using their body language. This is the genuine art of gambling, being able to play your opponent to conceal a bad or a good hand and eventually win.

The Art of Sports Betting, An Overview

It’s time for sports betting. Let’s find out what’s in store with sports betting. This is one of the most lucrative occasions in all of America because of the high per-player bet. Betting sports like the NFL and football is one of the things that even friends become temporarily rivals.

What’s in these games that people want to draw out money for betting? The answer is simple, betting on sports like the NFL and basketball is a part of art in sports. In fact, there are people who make sports betting become part of their livelihood. Many people spend a lot of time learning how to make the right decisions about who they should place their bets on.

The Secrets To Successful of Sports Betting

Many avid sports bettors have stated that the true secret to proper sports betting is the proper management of your finances. To earn in sports betting, you must not place all bets on just one game or one team. Proper sports betting is also a business investment. You need the right sports knowledge and of course, you have to be willing to spend money to win the bet.

Today, sports betting is unlimited. Due to the internet, a broader understanding of sports has improved. You don’t have to spend a lot of time and money just to go to games like the NFL and College Football because they can all be watched on the internet. Many dedicated websites also report the latest sports events, including reporting on betting and game results (see satta result for more on this). People who succeed in sports betting spent a long time studying their bets. This includes understanding the odds that may occur at every game event they intend to place a bet on.

The Sports Betting Language

  • Handicapping information. This is an art of reading and analyzing information to make the best decisions for the direction of which sports to bet on.
  • Odds. Although you may possibly assume that odds means the possibility of what you can win, in sports it is in fact the number of points that are to be inclined to the weaker team help equate the players.
  • In-Play odds. These kinds of odds enable a person to make real-time choices and make modifications in their wagering style throughout a live event.
  • Drift. This is a crucial term to understand and recognize in sports betting. This means that whenever there has not been many support for one thing and your current bet goes up due to insufficient support. This might be good in your case, but most of the time, it turns out badly.
  • Each-way. If the individual putting your bets is in fact making use of both sports competitors to their benefit. You can bet considerably more on one team and bet lower on the other. however, by putting wagers on both you happen to be raising your likelihood of winning something in the long run.

The NFL and College football are excellent places to start venturing into sports betting. Just be sure to do some research and know all of your current alternatives prior to spending big money starting out. When you know how the field of sports betting works, you can go beyond your limit allows.

The Culture And The Art Of Lying

Let’s be honest. We all make little white lies to protect ourselves from shame and to keep our dignity. That’s the art of lying but these little white lies usually go out of hand and become uncontrollable. When the corruptor’s lies are compared to the gambler’s lies (applicable in card games like poker but not applicable to a game of slots like daftar joker123), the latter seemed to be more honorable.

Why is Angelina lying? That’s how many people ask questions. She is suspected of lying about corruption and lying about the possession of blackberries and may continue to lie because a lie breeds other lies. Who does not know Angelina Sondakh? A very respectable member of Parliament, a former Indonesian princess, the most beautiful queen in Indonesia. And had been suspected of lying in giving testimony about the corruption of the Athlete House.

Angie is not the only one. There are many people who we think are “good” leaders and have integrity, in fact, they are the ones who lie all the time. So a lie has entered all political and government arenas. More broadly, it turns out lying does not belong to a particular person, because lies already exist in all human nations and cultures.

Education In The Art of Lying

How did it happen? Answers can certainly be sought in our culture. In Indonesia, lies are unique, because part of education is to children and there is education about the art of lying. Parents usually teach children to be honest but also at the same time practice the art of lying because the principle of harmony with others and relationships with others is far more important than stating the truth.

So from the beginning, we have been taught the art of lying for many reasons – to keep friendship, to maintain the honor, to be polite, and others. These type of lying are called white lies but after all, they are still lies.

So in culture, we see the practice of deception carried out for the solidarity of a community, for the sake of good relations and for harmony in togetherness. So even though we are taught morally to live honestly and tell the truth since childhood, there is a lack of practice. We are shown the art of lying for good so that it becomes a strange virtue. In the past, the art of lying was only used in terms of harmonious social relations.

The Art of Lying Used In Many Black Reforms

It turns out that the art of lying has been used and abused throughout the world to corrupt. That is the rife today in our world of politics. This is the most difficult to trace, because of this art of lying, people already know that it’s a lie but don’t know how to open it because there are friends who have to be protected in a lie, who are also busy also lying.

And when a lie becomes an agreement, the lie is true and the person who opens the truth will get his punishment. That’s why it’s better to let lies because we are afraid of being lied to by liars. Just look at the corruptors! They are clearly a thief and deserves punishment but they always feel they are the victim.

The culture of lying to maintain good relations and to protect from shame could get out of hand when mixed with a thirst for power and greed for money. The culture of corruption at the leadership level, solidarity among corruptors is considered far more important than stating the truth. Only now what is needed is the courage of all parties to break various lies one by one. The art of lying should be discarded and the liars should confess specifically in the grounds of politics!

The Art Of Music Can Affect Gambling Behavior

In 2007, Dixon, Trigg, and Griffiths published the results of empirical investigations of music and gambling. They investigated the impact of no music, slow music tempo and fast music on 60 participants playing roulette. Music is just among the tricks that casinos use to entice you into playing more.

Their study shows that the tempo of music affects the speed of betting, with fast bets occurring when listening to high tempo music. They observed that there was no connection between music and the total amount of money bets or bet sizes. Thus, this provides an interesting insight into how background music can be used to increase betting speed.

Both High and Low Tempo Music Can Cause Risky Gambling Behavior

In a subsequent study funded by the Norwegian Research Council, 5 experts conducted a more thorough investigation into the influence of music on gambling tendencies. This research tracks 101 participants as they play the SuperJack card game.

Half of the players listen to slow jazz, while the other half listen to fast pop music. The results show that while the fast tempo of music leads to a speed faster than betting, the tempo of slow music also has an influence on gambling. With slower music, more bets are placed, displaying prolonged gambling behavior.

Gambling, Is It Plain Science Or Art?

If you’ve been to casinos you would have heard the saying – The House Always Wins. So what does this mean?

This saying is called the Gambler’s Ruin because it is rocky. The saying came from the Viking ships filled with wrecked gamblers. Many players in casino scenes aim to beat the house. While this is true for some time the house will eventually win because they have the upper hand. They have unlimited cash and many players don’t. In any gaming scenario, those that have the most cash beats the player with the least cash.

Taking The Luck Away From Gambling

What is the right course of action?

When in the casino – don’t play the house. Your aim will be NOT to beat the house but to make money from the house. You see, the house has the advantage aside from unlimited cash. While you have limited cash, there are other players who have huge cash. Go for these people. They may hate you but you will last at the table longer.

The content of this page may not apply to all casino games and even in lottery games. The latter is a game of chance but plays more on the combination of numbers which math wizards may comprehend better than any average person. For lotteries online, you can check out angkabursa togel online.

The Basic – Gambling requires one to be a good liar

As soon as you have control over the situation, the essential key to any gambling (with style) is your capability to lie. On top of a good bluff, you could configure the whole table appearance to trick and obfuscate your opponents, dropping them at any time you want and confuse and frighten your enemies. Sadly, this approach cannot be coached. It is an art that comes naturally to some people.

To know the way to conceal yourself with complete effectiveness, you first need to acquire a particular level of awareness and then use the obfuscation principles to yourself. However, there are also people who can tell who is a good liar and a bad liar. And while they are able to determine which is which, they can actually apply it to themselves as well.

The Eyes of a gambler

The majority of gamblers have magic in their eyes, and all gamblers will tell you that they are different. If you lie, you will see someone in the same direction, when it’s the truth, you look at the other way. But everyone has a different way of moving the eyes. Experienced gamblers take particularly close attention to the eyes of their opponents.

They read it and can blend complicated truths about the player and anticipate every action. Experienced gamblers can tell if their opponent is either lying, just plain stupid or both. Pupils dilate when they have a good hand and pupils contract when they have a bad hand. So next time you play on a table, watch your opponent’s pupils carefully.

The Smile of a gambler

The gambler’s smile has two kinds – the genuine smile and the fake one. The fake smile contains just the muscles of the mouth. The overall expression rarely represents true joy or happiness. A true smile is associated with muscles close to the corner of the eye, allowing the crow’s feet to develop temporarily and express true joy.

Human testing established that it is not possible to fake true smiles but possible to fake it. Take a close look at your opponent’s smile as it usually links to his set of cards. If your opponent can fake a smile, then possibly you are dealing with a liar. But if he can make a true smile by command, he is a liar with great skill.

The Hands of a gambler

The gambler always takes notice of the hands. Hands that move a lot are bored hands. The things if an opponent is bored but still wins the game, they are really good. If some are bored and lose the game, they are not a good gambler.

The key element is to focus on how busy the hands are when they are bluffing. If your opponent’s hands remain busy while bluffing then you know they have it. However, if they need to concentrate on putting every little thing together for bluffing, then you definitely have a great way to determine the quality of their hands if it exceeds their bet.

Practically all gamblers fiddle however the main point is to look at exceptional fiddlers, particularly those who bother other players while the game is on. It’s either they are totally bored, they are cheating, or they just have a good system in place.

The conclusion to the Art of Gambling

Generally, gamblers practice their art in reading the eyes, the hands, facial expression. Gambling also involves science because it requires basic psychology. Without the practice of both, anyone who enters a gambling den is deemed to lose. So if you want to a professional gambler, you will have to be good in reading expressions the way shrinks do it in every session.
